Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Subsequent Bidding by Responder

Work in progress
If responder has bid a suit at the one level, he next determines whether he wishes to sign off in a partscore, invite game, sign off in game, or force to game and get more information about opener's hand. Having made his choice, he selects the best available bid.

Bids available for signoff in partscore: Pass, 1NT, 2 of a previously bid suit.

2♣Pass, 2, 2♠6-10 points, signoff in partscore.

Bids available for inviting game: 2NT, 3 of a previously bid suit:

22NT, 3, 3, 3♠11-12 points, inviting game.

Second-round forcing bids. A new suit response (other than after a 1NT rebid by opener) is a one-round force (but not forcing to game). If it is a fourth suit in the auction, it may be artificial (4th suit forcing, which is alertable).

(Exception is 1♣-1-1-1♠, which is natural).
This is the only mention in the SAYC notes of responder's new suit so would seem to cover responder's reverse. Responder's reverse is a new suit (usually) at the two-level that shows distribution - at least 4-5 in the two suits bid with greater length in the first bid suit - and extra strength. As with opener's reverse, responder's reverse is forcing for one round showing around (10)11+ points.

Some partnerships player responder's reverse as game-forcing. Similarly some partnerships play 'fourth suit forcing' as game-forcing. Make sure you discuss and agree in your partnership.

2♣2One-round force, could be artificial.

.. but ...

1NT2♣, 2Non-forcing.
3♣ 3Responder must jump shift to force game.

After 4th suit forcing, opener should
  1. Bid responder's 1st suit with 3 cards, jump raise with more than minimum
  2. Rebid 2nd suit shows weak hand (jump rebid shows extra values, very distributional) (Rebid 1st suit instead of 2nd if that bid is lower).
  3. Bid NT to show stopper in 4th suit and extra values (jump to game with exceptional strength)
  4. Raise 4th suit with 4 cards
  5. Rebid 1st suit with extra strength and length.

Second round forcing bids following a 1NT rebid by opener: A reverse or jump shift into a new suit is a game force.

1NT2♠ or 3Game force

Bids available for signing off in game. 3NT, 4, 4♠, 5♣, 5.

If responder initially bids a new suit at the two level, the same rules apply EXCEPT that a subsequent jump raise of opener's first suit to the THREE LEVEL is game forcing (responder should make a limit raise directly over the opening with 10-12 points and at least three-card support):

22NT, 3♣, 3Invitational to game (11-12 points)
 2♠Preference, not forcing. Responder has 11-12 points and a doubleton spade
 3Game force, could be artificial
 3♠Game force

NOTE: Responder promises to bid again if he responded with a new suit at the two level unless opener's rebid is at the game level.

2 Forcing one round. Responder can limit his hand by bidding 2♠, 2NT, 3♣, or 3 at this point. He should not pass, since opener could have 18 points (just short of a jump shift rebid).

The consequence of responder promising a rebid is that some simple rebids by opener are dangerous with a minimum hand - 2NT and raising responder's suit (minor). These simple rebids will be forcing since responder is obligated to bid again.

As noted previously others relax this requirement so that opener's 2NT rebid and raise of responder's suit are not forcing.

Make sure you discuss these sequences with your regular partners.